
Saturday, 4 January 2014

A Drawing a Day

At the start of 2013 I embarked on the challenge of creating a drawing everyday for a year in a small A7 Moleskin diary.
The challenge was met with some trepidation at first but soon gathered its own momentum with some surprising, amusing and perhaps, at times, a little disturbing results.

You can read more of my progress and thoughts on the project by clicking the link below:

 It was never my intention to ‘show’ the drawings when creating them, as a result the work is possibly a lot more intimate, sincere and 'unpolished' than what it would have been had I ‘made it for public consumption’. In other words, I think my self-consciousness would have gotten the better of me had I known I was going to exhibit the work and may have altered 'what' I drew as well as 'how' I drew it. As it turns-out, not having the burden of expectation other than to myself, may have proved quite fortunate as I hope it means that there is something refreshing in seeing good drawings mixed with sublime ones, bad ones, ok ones and diabolical ones (I'll let you be the judge!) Hence what you are seeing is a series of unique, little drawings that meant a great deal at the time of their creating but are none-the-less merely drawings. Collectively they have gained their own impetus from becoming a set created over the duration of a year, through its periods of doubt, joy, elation, searching, frustration, exhaustion, monumental highs, crippling lows and all the mundane in-betweens. Above all I hope it may offer a revealing and honest insight from someone that just loves to sit and draw.


 Scanning and cropping all 365 drawings into the computer nearly made my eyes bleed! So please have a look at the album of images either on the slideshow* or on my Flickr page by clicking on the link below.

Created with flickr slideshow.
*Note slideshow may not work on mobile/tablet devices, so please view via the link above.

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